Home Cinéma

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Heimkino (Home cinema) 

                                         ENGLISH DIALOG LIST


The woman :
Some more images of me. For your collection.
I was thinking that you still would’nt be having some like these : that speak.
These are perhaps the last ones too.
I ask myself il I was anything else than an image for you. And I don’t want to live with this doubt.
I don’t blame you. I even think that I liked it.
But satisfying your need to look is not sufficent anymore. Filling up your portfolios tires me.
I cannot stand looking more at my picture in a poster.
Don’t think that I am jealous of these pictures. I know very well that you like them more than me.
That you look at them with more pleasure. More emotion.
But the woman that they represent doesn’t exist. It’s not me in any case.
You live with her, but not with me.
I know that I am less perfect.
And that I have a temperament.
Since having come into contact with you, I have the impression of being permanently in casting.
Have you ever been interested in what I was thinking, in what I was wanting?
Besides I don’t want anything special.
I just want to exist.
Take decisions that don’t depend on the frame or the light.
And return into the real world.
And for that I must get away from you.
Besides you must change your model. Or your eyes will have had enough. I feel it.
And when you tell me that, I will be nothing at all.
I prefer avoiding that. I think you understand it. If you are capable of any comprehension.
I have already tried to tell you all this, but you have never heard me.
My image shall have a better chance of being.
I leave you with it.

The masculin voice :
That’s good. I like that.
But can we try something else?
For example, more tired of all of this. Even sad at having to put this relationship to an end…

The woman :
Some more images of me. For your collection.
I was thinking that you still would’nt be having some like these : that speak.
These are perhaps the last ones too.
I ask myself il I was anything else than an image for you. And I don’t want to live with this doubt.
I don’t blame you. I even think that I liked it.
But satisfying your need to look is not sufficent anymore. Filling up your portfolios tires me.
I cannot stand looking more at my picture in a poster.
Don’t think that I am jealous of these pictures. I know very well that you like them more than me.
That you look at them with more pleasure. More emotion.
But the woman that they represent doesn’t exist. It’s not me in any case.
You live with her, but not with me.
I know that I am less perfect.
And that I have a temperament.
Since having come into contact with you, I have the impression of being permanently in casting.
Have you ever been interested in what I was thinking, in what I was wanting?
Besides I don’t want anything special.
I just want to exist.
Take decisions that don’t depend on the frame or the light.
And return into the real world.
And for that I must get away from you.
Besides you must change your model. Or your eyes will have had enough. I feel it.
And when you tell me that, I will be nothing at all.
I prefer avoiding that. I think you understand it. If you are capable of any comprehension.
I have already tried to tell you all this, but you have never heard me.
My image shall have a better chance of being.
I leave you with it.

The masculin voice :
Hin hin…

The woman and the masculin voice :
- What, it’s still not good enough?
- Well, you are good, it’s not the point.
- Listen, I’m a little tired, really.
- Do you want to stop?
- No, but it’s two months since we are working on this.
- It’s perhaps not a good text.
- That’s not the question… In fact I don’t know what you want.
- Me neither...
- Perhaps I am not the one you are looking for. Not the one you need.
- Perhaps.
- That’s it, I’m not the one you need.
- You feel angry.
- Evidently.
- Let’s stop then. You were knowing that it’s just a trial. That there’s no contract.
- And our projects, this role, and everything?
- You have played a big role in my life.
- You are already speaking in the past tense.
- I know, it’s to see what it feels like.
- You are cruel, or completely foolish…
Stop it, will you ! You take nothing seriously. But me, I am not joking. I’ll go away if you don’t stop this. Ok ! I go away. I hope that you’ll regret it a lot and that you will feel very bad when you look at this fucking tape.
- I’ll miss you.

- Asshole. It pleases you to see an angry woman. It excites you. You’ll be able to put this tape with the others.You are just pervert, a sick man, a maniac for the image. I think you go too much to the cinema.
- Good, I like these instants of truth.
- Asshole ! Asshole !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- So, « director », do I have this role ?
- I don’t know, I can’t engage myself in such a way…